Exploring the Speech On Environment: A Comprehensive | PlanetSpark
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Mon, 26 Sep, 2022

Exploring the Speech On Environment: A Comprehensive Guide


Speech On Environment

The environment is the lifeblood of all living organisms on Earth. We depend on our environment for everything, from the air we inhale to the water we drink. It is the total of our surroundings, be it living beings or the non-living components we interact with daily.

We depend on environmental gifts for our life. However, humans have become the top contributor to environmental degradation over the years. We are polluting, destroying, and overusing natural elements and slowly degrading the environment. 

The exploitation will affect our quality of life and create fundamental problems in our daily lives if we continue at this rate.

Several activities such as cutting down trees, overuse of natural resources, and pollution of water, air, and soil have been behind the constant degradation of your environment. A major reason behind this is the rapid urbanisation of humankind and their tendency to ignore the effects. 

Furthermore, individual humans contribute to this menace by not taking the necessary steps for protection and ignoring the problem. Every person needs to work together to protect and preserve our lives and the environment.

If each one of us takes a simple step towards environmental protection, we can quickly turn the tide. This small effort can be as simple as planting a tree or using public transportation to preserve fossil fuels. We need to realise that the environment is our home, and if we treat it well, it'll only give back more to us. 

So, we should all become protectors of our environment and save it from any further harm.

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Speech On Environment


  1.  What is meant by the environment?

Ans: Environment is the total of all our surrounding living and non-living elements. The river near your home, your pets, or the air you breathe are all part of the environment.

  1.  What is environmental degradation?

Ans: The degradation of your environment includes any adverse changes to it. For example, pollution and resource exploitation both lead to negative impacts and are significant reasons for this degradation.

  1.  What is the Environment Protection Act?

Ans: The Environment Protection Act, 1986 empowers the government to tackle environmental problems and establish authorities for the same.

  1.  What is the importance of environmental protection?

Ans: Humans depend on the environment for every single thing. The air, water, land, and natural resources are all part of the environment, and that's why it's crucial to protect them. 

  1. How to create awareness for environmental protection?

Ans: Protection of the environment isn't a task for a single person or a group. Everyone needs to work together toward this goal. 

You can create awareness through online groups, social media platforms, speeches, and drives communicating about the adverse effects of this degradation on our lives.

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